October 4, 2022
2022 Year-End Contribution Deadlines
Don’t miss your chance to create a positive impact in our community.
Check or Stock Certificate
Postmark on or before 12/31/22
Please contact the Donor Services Department before submitting your stock transfer to ensure that your charitable deduction is appropriately credited.
Special Securities*
Deadline: 12/1/22
Call the Donor Services Department if you need assistance with the following items: Private Stock, Tendered Stock, or Restricted Stock.
Mutual Funds*
Deadline: 12/1/22
Submit a completed letter of instruction to the firm holding the fund shares and send a copy to [email protected].
Grant Recommendations
Deadline: 12/12/22
Due to high volume, grants requested after this date might not reach their destination by the close of the year.
Deadline: 12/16/22
Submit a completed letter of instruction to the firm holding your stock and send a copy to [email protected].
Wire Transfer*
Deadline: 12/16/22
Instruct your financial institution to wire funds to Greater Houston Community Foundation. Also, please contact the Donor Services Department before submitting your wire transfer to ensure that your charitable deduction is appropriately credited. For security reasons, the wire instructions are not emailed but may be found here.
Charitable Distributions From IRA Accounts
IRAs may NOT make charitable distributions to a Donor Advised Fund (DAF). Please do not have your IRA custodian send a distribution to your DAF as that may be treated as a taxable distribution to you.
*If these items are not received into the GHCF account by 12/31/22, the IRS will not allow a 2022 deduction.Please contact [email protected] to ensure your intended gift is properly credited.
Greater Houston Community Foundation does not provide tax advice or services. Please consult your personal advisor with questions regarding your tax planning.